Flourishing Friendships

Flourishing Friendships a 4-week study that is based on biblical principles of friendship which include commitment, communication, and community. Together we will explore the enduring witness of the good Samaritan, Zacchaeus, David the psalmist, Paul the apostle, Peter the disciple, and of course, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This Bible study is by no means exhaustive, but it is meant to be a springboard, causing all of us to dive a little deeper and to hear from the Lord on friendship. Jesus truly cares about our friendships because it is within the context of community that He is revealed. They will know we are Christians by our love. If you are desiring deeper friendship with others, this study based on God's plan for community is for you.

What’s Included In Your Bible Study.

  • Bible Study Book

  • Video Session Listening Guides

  • Video Sessions Available on YouTube

Video Sessions

Session 1

Jesus was a man of friendship because God is a God of friendship, and the greatest power for becoming a better friend is being befriended by the best friend, Jesus. The cross was history’s most heroic act of friendship, and our journey today begins with understanding this divine commitment. To be a Christian is to know Jesus and to be known by Him as a dear friend, highlighting the importance of wisdom, Spirit-consciousness, and the eternal impact of God's Word and love.

Session 2

Good communication is crucial in building relationships, and being like-minded in spirit, compassionate, and thinking well of others helps strengthen our bonds. True listening involves being other-focused, relaxed, and attentive, giving our most valuable asset—time—while practical tips such as not interrupting, noticing little things, and asking questions show our genuine interest in others.

Session 3

It is within the context of community that we share our stories of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of commitment and encouragement to strengthen relationships. The Word teaches us to be mindful in our communication and to infuse courage into each other, with encouragers filling the atmosphere with life and hope. Cultivating an unoffendable heart by trusting the Holy Spirit and practicing forgiveness allows us to stay connected to His work, making friendship an outward expression of God's love towards others.

Session 4

Jesus established the foundation for us to experience community through the new covenant, representing the profound friendship we now enjoy. Mary's readiness to obey God's will and her openness to His plan exemplify individual commitment, while Joseph's righteousness and spiritual sensitivity highlight the virtues of being prepared for God's assignments. By cultivating a heart that loves God's Word and people, we embrace the significance of Jesus' birth and His role as the deliverer and savior, reminding us that Christmas celebrates the ultimate exchange—His life for ours.